
Your gift to the Community Foundation allows you to support the causes you care about most and make a difference in our community. Giving to the foundation is flexible: you can donate to an existing fund or directly support the Community Foundation. No matter which option you select, be assured that your dollars will be used exactly as you direct them.


A donation to the Community Endowment Fund supports the discretionary grant program.

A donation to the Vision Fund allows us to fulfill our mission of facilitating philanthropy.

To support any other fund(s) established by the Community Foundation, search our database.


Checks may be mailed to:

Charlottesville Area Community Foundation
PO Box 1767
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Please make the check payable to CACF and indicate the name of the fund in the memo line.

Stock or Wire Transfer

For information regarding a stock transfer or wire transfer of funds, please contact our Finance Team at or call 434.296.1024.